The Doula locator map is a work in progress, so please be patient with us. We have over 1,000 Madriella doulas to add to it, and new ones every day, so it is going to take a little while to get all of them listed. Here is what you need to do to get added to the list:

Go to our contact page and send us a message saying “Put me on the map” and include the following:

1.  Your name

2. Your business name (if different from #1)

3. Your City and State (for safety reasons we do not put streets on the map)

4. Your website or facebook page, Doulamatch page, etc (whatever you use to get clients)

That’s it. Just give us time to get it updated and then the little red pin that represents “you” on the map will link directly to your website. This will help women in your area find you when they are searching for a Doula.