If you are interested in becoming a Doula in Arizona we are pleased to inform you that your state’s Department of Health has listed the Madriella Doula Network as a Nationally Recognized Doula Certifying organization.

In the state of Arizona there are multiple pathways to licensing as a Doula and one of them is to complete a training program of 30 hours or more with a Nationally Recognized provider.

You can complete that requirement with our program. The other requirements are listed on their website and you should read through them in detail before applying.

The Madriella Doula Network has been training and Certifying Doulas all over the USA and in more than a dozen other countries around the world since 2008. We currently number over 4,000 active members and are growing larger by the day.

Our mission is to make birth support training accessible everywhere. We believe it should be as common as CPR training.

In addition to our Birth and Postpartum Doula certification programs Madriella offers our professional members access to additional courses including:

Childbirth Educator Certification-A great way to serve your community (and to find new Doula clients!) is to offer Childbirth Education classes. This extensive Madriella course prepares you to teach individuals, couples, or groups in a classroom setting.

Breastfeeding Educator Certification-One of our most popular advanced courses, the Breastfeeding Educator program prepares you to teach new mothers how to successfully feed their babies.

Young Parent Support Specialist-Being a new mother can be challenging, but being a new mother when you are still a teenager can be overwhelming. Young parents face special challenges and need a lot of highly specialized support and this course prepares you to provide that. A favorite among employees of Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Women’s Shelters, Volunteer Organizations, and Women’s Ministries, the Young Parent Support Specialist course provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to help young mothers succeed in a world that often tells them they can’t.