The Birth Doula course requires you to have five books total. Three of the titles are required (listed below) and the remaining two are elective (you can pick any books from this list, or any book that meets the “Elective” standards described below).

Required reading for the Birth Doula Certification (must read all three)
1. Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering : A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices (Paperback)–by M.D. Sarah J. Buckley 

2. The Birth Partner – 5th Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads. Doulas. and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin 

3. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Eighth Revised Edition (La Leche League International Book)

Elective book Choice
The students can select any book related to birth, pregnancy and the experience of birthing women (with the exception of works of fiction, of course).

In that way, our students can zero in and focus on specific populations they know they will be serving.

In addition, one of these two elective books must be from a cultural perspective that is different from the reader. That expands and broadens the knowledge and cultural awareness of the Doula and our faculty. If you need some suggestions, you can select any of these books.

You will also need a Birth Ball for the practical assignment.

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We are an Amazon affiliate. You DO NOT have to use the links on this page to buy the books, you are free to get them wherever you can find the best price. If you do buy them from Amazon using these links it generates revenue that supports Madriella’s mission.