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Evaluation of labor support

More and more states are considering the licensing of Doulas, and many of them will require you to attend one or more live births before you are licensed as a Doula in their state.  For that reason, we have created an Evaluation of labor support form you can have completed when you attend a birth. This will be kept in your file with Madriella, so if your state requires it in the future, you will have it done.

The form is here, there is also a link to it on the front of the website.

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These courses appear in alphabetical order by default. The order that they should be completed in is shown in the “Start your next course” menu.

To get started, click the Birth Doula course under the “Start Your Next Course” Menu. Click Unit 1 “Welcome” to start!

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The Knowledge Base is a member driven Doula-Wiki. Material taken from publicly edited sources (like Wikipedia) are ALWAYS cross-referenced and checked for medical accuracy with websites like Mayoclinic.org, Medlineplus.com, and hopkinsmedicine.org.

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Our official acronyms are as follows:

• Madriella Doula Network Certified Birth Doula, Acronym: MCD.

• Madriella Doula Network Postpartum Doula, Acronym: MCPD.

• Madriella Doula Network Certified Professional Doula, Acronym: MCPCD.

• Madriella Doula Network Childbirth Educator, Acronym: MCE.

• Madriella Doula Network Breastfeeding Educator, Acronym: MBE.

• Madriella Doula Network Placenta Specialist, Acronym: MPS.

• Madriella Doula Network Loss & Bereavement Doula, Acronym: MLBD.

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